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  1. jzweedyk

    Anyone that has a confirmed order get any updates???

    Sorry, I am out. I do love the look and actually think the fenders makes the 4 door Bronco look better, but I have decided that I really want a 2 door. I have been hoping that they would introduce a 2 door Bronco Raptor, but that does not look like it will happen. So I am going to order a 2...
  2. jzweedyk

    Who’s ordering FRaptor R?

    Good luck. Just visited a big Ford dealership in PNW and they are only getting one this year, and they want $50K adm. My friend in Ohio was on the list to buy one, and he told them no after the dealer wanted a $50k adm. So it appears you can get one, you just have to pay.
  3. jzweedyk

    APG Ford Bronco ProRunner Package Debuts As New Raptor Alternative

    I haven't heard back yet on the money, but if it is reasonable, OK even a little high, I am going to do it. I really would prefer a 2 door.
  4. jzweedyk

    APG Ford Bronco ProRunner Package Debuts As New Raptor Alternative

    They say production on a 2 door is Q1 2023. I am getting more information.
  5. jzweedyk

    APG Ford Bronco ProRunner Package Debuts As New Raptor Alternative

    I'll post when I get a reply. The package looks great, and while nice, I really don't need the 400 hp engine. Need, funny word.
  6. jzweedyk

    APG Ford Bronco ProRunner Package Debuts As New Raptor Alternative

    I sent them an email to see if they would do it on a 2 door.
  7. jzweedyk

    New Member

  8. jzweedyk

    New Member

  9. jzweedyk

    A ton of Bronco Raptors Built!

    When my 2019 Raptor was built in the first week of production, it sat in a lot for quite a while. Something about a Government clearance and inspection on new models before they can be released. I can only assume this is the same crap.
  10. jzweedyk

    Who’s ordering FRaptor R?

    The reveal is next Monday.
  11. jzweedyk

    bronco Rapter production numbers for 2022

    There will be a 2023 model.
  12. jzweedyk

    2022 Ford Bronco Raptor Is Already Sold Out!

    Blaming wrong person.
  13. jzweedyk

    Bronco Raptor vs Bronco First Edition vs Jeep Wrangler 392!

    If you want a dragster, this is not the vehicle to buy. What a surprise. I am shocked ......... NOT.
  14. jzweedyk

    Another Disappointing Production Schedule

    Christmas of what year?
  15. jzweedyk

    Another detailed video of the BRaptor

    If you drive fast enough you don't need it. :cool:
  16. jzweedyk

    Auto Interest Rates and You BR

    Paying cash. Don't like where we are, and where we are going as a country, but if people cancel because of interest rate and gas prices, I might actually get a Braptor. Don't hate me, I worked hard to get where I am.