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  1. TRW22

    Next run of allocations

    Yeah, I believe the banks were opened end of March.
  2. TRW22

    I've officially joined the club.

    Pretty! Sorry if you answered this already, but did you keep the GEN3 as well?
  3. TRW22

    2500 miles, first oil change, impressions and things I'd change

    Dented up, as in the fenders or overall?
  4. TRW22


    Sorry, I may have missed it as I haven't been on here in awhile, but have you posted up pics of your FRaptor?
  5. TRW22

    Gas Prices and Interest Rates...

    Will the price hike of gas and possibly interest rates scare you away for the Bronco Raptor or any other newer vehicle that is not an EV? For me, nope. I'm in it for the long haul, unless things just get way to out of wack..
  6. TRW22

    Hello - Glad to meet you all. From Western Wa.

    Welcome to the forum. Nice Raptor. You come over from FRF? You planning on selling/trading in your Raptor for the Raptor.
  7. TRW22

    Are some Bronco Raptors built already?

    I have been paying attention lately, but have some Raptors already been built yet?
  8. TRW22

    Prepare for obscene ADM's

    That is crazy, and the sad thing is, you left but someone else probably came right after and took that deal. Did you ever get a order in for a Raptor?
  9. TRW22

    Prepare for obscene ADM's

    Ford dealers have always added in ADMs with every Gen raptor made when they would first come out. I remember GEN1 raptors where supposed to be a very limited production and the first raptors sold where crazy money. Of course it all calmed down, but this happens every time a new Gen comes out...
  10. TRW22

    Anyone going to the Bronco Super Celebration in Townsend?

    I just read that Ford will have a 2022 Bronco Raptor there at the event.
  11. TRW22

    What will be your first mod?

    Anything can be tuned. It may take sometime but companies always find a way. We will need pics of that! :)
  12. TRW22

    Graphics are no longer offered.

    Ok so no Raptor logo only, we have to have the mud graphic to have the Raptor text put on. Weird, as I though it looked good on its own.
  13. TRW22

    Color Dilemma

    So what did you end up going with? I think I may have read it somewhere but forgot.
  14. TRW22

    What's up gang - from NY

    Wow, I missed this one. So you help the dealer get 90 orders in for the regular Bronco to get that last GT! Good for you! I hope they gave you a good deal on the Raptor.
  15. TRW22

    All Bronco Raptor Colors Lined up IRL!

    I also like black and magnetic. With mine, when driving through trails, I see the scratches more. I bet if I had white or a lighter color I wouldn't see them as much.
  16. TRW22

    Hello Everyone

  17. TRW22

    What's up gang - from NY

    Welcome, so you were able to grab an unused GT? Did it workout for you?
  18. TRW22

    What will be your first mod?

    Even for second gens?
  19. TRW22

    Hello Everyone

    Still amazed how its been 2 years and nothing. Sorry bro.
  20. TRW22

    Hello Everyone

    They will be around, but embedded into our brains. :D

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